Saturday, December 19, 2009


Woaa. can you believe it? It's officially winter already!! Since two years ago, I always have this love and hate relationship with el invierno. I love the snow flakes the second they dropped onto my face, fingers, and coat... but when it stops, slippery floor comes! and there goes walking all confident and fashionable - hello tiptoeing here and there! argh. not to mention my crackling and snake-ish skin yuck! How can I ever be sexy in winter season .. seriously!

But thank God this year I don't have to bare with this Drop Down Dreadful and Depressing weather (a.k.a the 4D's) the whole f-ing 3months, coz guess whaat!! I'm going hoooooomee ..
To be honest with you, I'm ecstatic but at the same time I don't feel like going home either. I really miss my parents and the whole shebang plus I really wanna go to several beaches in Indonesia and get really barbecued. But I kinda feel like I should just stay in NYC and spend some time with Naomi, since her OPT will expire within 2 months, subtract that with my 1 month vacation in Indonesia equals 30 more days of ...

Naomi's laugh,
Naomi's jealousy,
Naomi's love,
Naomi's calls,
Naomi's mollycoddle,
Naomi's pasta
Naomi's clumsiness
Naomi's everything !! :'(

So you see how much I'm in a problematic sitch right? and not to mention my personal relationship in which I can't and I refuse to blog about due to a handful of curious individuals that might read this post. And as for Aisha, I wouldn't worry a bit! (ya gak shah? =P )
Nami? she has her whole shebang here anyway, she'd be the happiest person in this winter for sure! All the other girls? Well they all gonna be reunited w/their fams too . So I dunno, I think it's best for me to go home right? It's too late for me to cancel my trip anyway.
In that case, I have to face the fact that 7 days from now I'm off to

mi casa
! -__-

Woopsy! I gotta go, heading to korean town and Nami's crib, so I'll post food porn tomorrow or Monday.. and again happy wintery days peeps!



....trnyata chami ngomongin seseorang! STALKER! hihih, dont go home chaaamm :( it'll be weird having snowflakes without yu here~ naomi n aisha would definitely miss yu like crazeee~~

Shaishalala said...

what do you mean? I'm not that OK!