so after a while of writing stupid stuff in my not-so-attractive looking notebook, I decided it's time for me to venture the world of blogging... I mean what's the harm of it, maybe some people would say "hey..what is wrong with your English?" or "yo.. don't try to write when u can't even type correctly".. but hey, I'm open to any type of criticism as long as you guys would not be throwing rotten eggs at me.( that sentence correct?) =)
ok! I made this blog a semester ago, when my AC 141 Professor gave us a project of doing some sort of a news blog, but I was too busy with this n that.. so I got a freakin' B- on that class.. well Daa?? it was a Journalism class, how the hell should an Indonesian girl, who just moved to NYC like a year and 8 months ago knows how to write in an appropriate journalistic way when the Professor speaks like in a super-sonic speed. Woman chill!!.. secong-language speaker here.!!
well, as for the reason to move to NYC was more or less a decision I've made to be a better kiddo.. I don't know, I just feel that I was being such a spoiled-brat back when I was in Indo.. so
anyways, before further a due .. please don't giggle n laugh at my funny phrases or words coz sometimes when it gets tough writing in english, I created my own language that I called "englonasia".. if one day I wrote "so you know that 'itu' is like 'bgini' ".. don't hesitate to ask what I mean by that idiotic sentence.. haha!
cups cups -mischa
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