Sunday, April 5, 2009

..winter mood..

have you ever wonder, what was the particular thing that people were thinking a few seconds before the angel of death took their lifes??

were they smiling.. were they thinking.. were they in anger.. were they in sadness..??
were they in silent.. or were they whispered by something alarming them they are almost at the end ot their journey?..

I can't believe I ended my first week of April feeling sorrow, unpleasant, worrisome, and puzzled by the nature's own recycle bin.. I started my Monday/ Official Spring Break by doing this gloomy post, it's just unlike me..

it took me a while to absorb and believe that things always comes to an end with or without a precaution ..

sometimes I feel that God is unfair .. God is testing us with unbearable situation ..and that God just doesn't want us to be happy.. and life is just a chain of trial and examination..
but then I think again.. maybe it happens for a reason?.. or maybe it's the path for a person to reach the enlightenment?.. or is it supposed to be a practice for us to be stronger?
I just dont know .. I always have mixed feelings with these kind of stuff.

The thing is.. I'm always confused when God takes a person's life.. does she/he has some kind of a lottery slot that she/he just picked every minute or two? or does she/he looks by a person's level of good&bad.. o what?.. or does everyone have their own "times up"??.. seriously .. I need answers, coz I just don't get it..

I mean, someone is somewhere, doing something at some moment of their life.. thinking that ahead there's gonna be a good future with some bumpy roads but they might say "hey...I'll get there.."and next thing you know.. boom! their life ended and it becomes a silent shout of nothingness..


at the end I would like to say goodnight, have a lovely dream and may you rest in piece
Jade Santos'o..
I may have not known you like my other friends did..
but every time I see your pictures, that beautiful smile of yours will always gives me that positive feeling that life should be something to be enjoyed, it shouldn't be filled with hates and regrets.
so, thank you for inspiring me.. and maybe one day I'll get the all my questions anwered by you or by someone..

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