yeepee.. I have time to write my blog now! btw, I just got back from the longest midterm ever, and I didn't have my lucky pencil with me, I ended up with a ridiculous pen that gives me pain and suffering thru out the exam. if you ask me if I did great or not... the anwers is NO! I went down hill from #4 thru #10.. so yeah! we'll see what would happen next next week..
ok! my plan tonight is to finish all my food-porn, get AFK (away from keyboard), and watch DVD's 'til God knows when.. hohoho! and all of these will be done without any consumption of chips, ice cream, nuts, and any snacks around my pantry. I'm closing my mouth 'til tomorrow. lets hope that I'm not gonna be hungry after revealing the foods I've consumed these past few days. =)
first stop is Momofuku Milk Bar. the Saung Budaya Girls and I went to this spot for a little snack before our late lunch/early dinner at Curly's. wait.. this is like two weeks ago but anyways, you gotta see how delightful that day turned out to be.
so, Saung Budaya Girls has this urgency of eating total carb, comfort, and hearty food after they (or should I say) we burned all the calories from dance practice. We were like little kids lining up for cotton candys, but instead we lined up for cookies, soft ice creams, and fusion breads (don't kids do this too?).
Aisha (my sister) bought compost cookie, marshmallow cookie, and dunno what else.
Malaika was busy testing the soft ice cream, and she decided on 'fruity cereals with milk soft ice cream' (I forgot the name.. it taste like fruity loops)
Wynna had the cookies as well
and as for me!! I had the amazing -kimchi & blue chees croissant- made out of kimchi butter and gorgonzola dolce. If you guys dunno what the hell I'm talking about?.. here's the croissant-porn
at first all of the girls were like.."what? what would it taste like.. doesn't sound interesting to me.. etc..etc.." and when I break it in two they were still like "nothing special about it..etc..etc"
however!! when they ripped it apart, bite it and started chewing it...!!
(and btw, it was still warm and you could see the cheese and butter oozing from inside)
they were speechless..overwhelmed..we didn't speak for like around 5-10 seconds (FYI, this is a record coz we girls like to chat A LOT)
the kimchi was perfect, the saltyness of the cheese go hand in hand with the kimchi butter, the crispyness of the skin and the softness of the innards.. it's just well executed! good job Momofuku Milk bar.
ohh.. how I wanted another one of this sexy expensive little croissant.. but yeah, maybe another day, I have to spare my tummy for Curly's foods!!
I think I'm too lazy to write down the description of how crazy these girls are.. but just take a look at what these petite girls have ordered at Curly's Vegetarian Lunch
first it was empty.. we were playing with crayolas while waiting for our food to come.
and then .. few minutes after!!
yes! you see what I'm talking about right?.. they turn into a bunch of crazy carnivorous and herbivorous and they don't even think about how lady like they supposed to act as a dancer. hahaha!! (btw.. bad picture.. I was caught up by the vegan pancake and the red chilaquiles in front of me)
we ended up doggy-bagging 3 stacks of pancake and half of Aisha's burrito.. and the rest was history.. oh the funny thing was.. they served bbq tempeh, which reminds me of how much I'm longing for 'tempe mendoan'.. a staple snack from my country and it's the unhealthy version of that bbq tempe hoho! (I'll give you pics after I'm back in Indonesia)
those two thingy are the Gravy Fries and Buffalo Fries ( fries drizzled in blue cheese dressing and buffalo sauce) Junk Food Madnessss!!
Ok, I'm gonna end my blog here.. I wanna start a new post, this is getting too long. Hope you guys had fun reading it. =)
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